The Nitty-gritty Truths on Creating a Profitable Flower Farm on Small Acreage (Webinar)

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This highly-requested live class is designed to answer your questions about the business side of flower farming. I approach the topic with blunt honesty, experience and zero sugar-coating on the reality of farming and how you can successfully craft a profitable farm, even on a small amount of land.


-Intro to the Business Side of Flower Farming.

-Moving your Flower passion from a hobby into business

-Finding Your Niche in the Flower World

-Marketing & Using Social Media

-Creating a Sustainable & Profitable Business

-Crop Planning for Maximum Profitability


-And More!

-Extensive Q&A at the end to answer your questions!

One Class Time: (recording is available for all enrollees after class!)

Saturday November 11th, 2023: 1pm-3pm (Pacific Standard Time)

Class is a minimum of 1.5 hours, but we often go overtime in the questions and answers so plan on 2+ hours!

Zoom link will be sent out the week of class.

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